European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said, that he doesn’t believe that U.S. President will impose tariffs on European Union. Tariffs on imported cars should have to enter into force next week. United States will have to decide if they impose tariffs of as much as 25% on vehicles and parts. There are three positive signs


European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said, that he doesn’t believe that U.S. President will impose tariffs on European Union. Tariffs on imported cars should have to enter into force next week. United States will have to decide if they impose tariffs of as much as 25% on vehicles and parts.

There are three positive signs that America won’ t imposes tariffs. First is American presidential elections 2020. By this time American stock market must be in good condition. Second is postpone tariffs and continuing talks between nations last month. It shows that Trump is opened to negotiations. The last one is signed trade deals with Japan and South Korea that appeared likely to stave off auto tariffs. This point is related to, same as first point, Trump’s tactics to be elected next year again.